i found it sexy, and just more mature.

i always love her boots anyway, lol. So what do you think? well i think it's kinda like spider web, isn't it? it's sexy, she revealed a little too much of her bra on her back, and i think it's fine. it's cool, and well made her looked untamed? lol. but i love it :)

i also love this one! I'm a huge lover of denim shirt! she matched it with short flower dress and boots, well it's like not exactly boots, but well.. still boots. she looked so cute! simple style to girls nigh out!

i think these days she usually wears boots, ripped jeans, or shorts. i love ripped jeans! i wish i could wear that... well i think she got higher shoes looks like boots now (?) lol. and so you maybe could wear something like this when hanging out with your boyfriends!
hot denim pants, shit, V-neck t-shirt and fedora. o yeah and those studed black simple shoes. casually rebel, right? she just wears something simple, that maybe you could steal from your boyfriend's closet or your brother even your dad. simpley stylish with shirt, short and t-shirt.
comfortable and stylish. it's good for hot wheather out there.
Iron maiden t-shirt? sure! she could make it looks really cool and sexy, with those leggings and keds she looks sporty and casual.
i think she now love to wearing big bags. with animals print. it's cool and maybe i have to find one for me :)
so i think those clothes are good for days, it's casual just wear your brother's shirt plus your v-neck t-shirt or tank top with shorts or ripped jeans. you will look all like Miley Cyrus.
and she have clothing line, colaboration with mark Azaria, and you can get clothes they designed on wal-mart. simple rock style which miley has, and you could have them too and looking like one!
and what i love about her right now is her hair style, i love

the pony is like in braid and yeah you know that's really cool, new inspiration to try!
i realli liked the new style of her now, even though you can say that it's controversial, but still it worth of try to look up to her style. it's new, simple, stylish and comfortable.
i see in the first of this year ripped things was trend, even still is until now. plus boots, that i'm dying to buy. i don't know why but i feel like it's pretty hard to find right boots in this city, oh gosh. maybe it sound too much, but well i haven't found some! so if you're the girl who has boots and you don't wanna wear it anymore, just send me those! my size is 36 or 5. you can email me freestyleland@gmail.com.
so here you go for another post, and yeah if you're looking for exchnge links, i'm up for that so just contact me by e-mail.
Intan Thalia
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